Yaser Arafat Nobel Barış Ödülü

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  2. Ödülü Alan Ülke
    Filistin Devleti
  3. Veriliş Nedeni
    to honour a political act which called for great courage on both sides, and which has opened up opportunities for a new development towards fraternity in the Middle East.

  1. Ödül Yılı
  2. Ödülü Alan Ülke
  3. Veriliş Nedeni
    to honour a political act which called for great courage on both sides, and which has opened up opportunities for a new development towards fraternity in the Middle East.

  1. Ödül Yılı
  2. Ödülü Alan Ülke
  3. Veriliş Nedeni
    to honour a political act which called for great courage on both sides, and which has opened up opportunities for a new development towards fraternity in the Middle East.

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