İngilzice Yer Bildiren Edatlar (Prepositions) Konu Anlatımı ve Örnekler

In ve On Kullanımı:

İngilizcede In, kutu, oda ve ülke gibi üç boyutlu şeylerin içinden bahsederken kullanılır. On ise zemin, masa ve duvar gibi iki boyutlu yüzeylerin üstünden bahsederken kullanılır.

Where is Joe? ’In the kitchen.’

There is nothing in the fridge.

Ann’s in Poland.

Why are all those papers on the floor?

She had photos of all her family on the wall.

İnsanlar elbisenin içindedirler, elbiseler ve takılar ise insanların üstünde:

Who is the man in the grey suit?
Gri takım elbisenin içindeki adam kim?


That sweater looks good on you.
Kazak senin üzerinde iyi görünüyor.


She had a ring on every finger.
Parmağının üzerinde bir yüzük var.

Gördüğünüz gibi, elbisenin içinden söz ederken in, kişinin üzerindeki bir nesneden söz ederken ise on kullanıldı.

Aşağıdaki kullanımlara bakalım:

In a bath

On the roof

In a tree

On a table

In a cup (fincan)

On her arm

On the plate

In your head (düşünce)

On your head (şapka)

On a door

Şu durumlara da dikkat edelim:

in a book, in the newspaper, in a story, on a page, in a street.

Is there anything interesting in the paper?

Her photo is on the page 4.

They live in Park Street.

Aşağıdaki cümlelerdeki in ve on kullanımlarına bakalım:

In children stories, animals can talk.

’Are you free next Tuesday?’

’Just a minute. I’ll look in my diary.’

Is Sandra in the office today?

She had a wonderful diamond ring on her first finger.

’Where is the salt?’ ’In the cupboard.’

The cat likes to sleep on the roof or the car.

Don’t leave your keys in your car when you get out.

They live in a little village near Belfast.

Önemli: Arabadan söz ederken "in a car" denir ama otobüsten, trenden vs. bahsederken de "on a bus/train/plane/ship" şeklinde söylenir.
At edatının kullanımı:

At edatı genellikle mekan bildirirken, olayın nerede olduğunu söylerken kullanılır.

I’ll see you this evening at Sarah’s house.

You have to change planes at Karachi.

I saw Ann waiting at the bus stop.

Turn left at the next corner.

At, insanların yaptığı işlerden ya da o işleri nerede yaptıklarından söz ederken kullanılır:

at a football match

at breakfast, lunch

at a restaurant

at work

at the office

at the theatre

at the cinema

at the station

at a party

at (the) college/university

Aşağıdaki örnek cümleleri inceleyelim:

Paul crashed his car because he didn’t stop at the traffic lights.

Are there any good films at the cinema this week?

Her train was terribly late- I spent hours waiting at the station.

The boss doesn’t let us take personal phone calls at work.

The top, the bottom, the side, the beginning, the end gibi ifalerle birlikte at kullanılır.

My room’s at the top of the house.

Begin at the beginning.

Their house is down at the bottom of the hill.

I never have any money at the end of the month.

Diğer yer bildiren edatlar ise şunlardır:

Above: üstünde

Against: karşısında, dayalı


Betweeen: arasında

By: yanında

In front of: önünde

Near: bitişiğinde

Opposite: karşısında

Under: altında

Bu edatlarla ilgili aşağıdaki örnek cümleleri inceleyelim:

Ann is sitting between Eric and Julia.

Come and sit by me.

We camped by the lake.

Montreal is in the eastern Canada, near Ottowa.

I left my bicycle against the shop window.

Joe’s car is pasked in front of the house.

There is a bus stop opposite our house.

Lucy is in the front of Pat.

Pat is behind Lucy.

Andy is opposite Mike.

The dog is hiding under the table.

The plane is flying above the clouds.

Aşağıdaki örnek cümleleri inceleyelim:

I usually sit by a window in class, so I can look out if I get bored.

There was a big bird flying high up above the trees.

They live in a beautiful old house by a river.

There is a big clock above the door of the station.

I sat down by Mary and looked into her eyes.

You can park your car behind the house.

I will meet you at the station under the clock.


Taglar: İngilziceBildirenEdatlarPrepositionsKonuAnlatımıÖrnekler

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