İngilizceReported Questions: Soru Cümlelerinin Bildirilmesi

Wh Soruları

Çoğu bildirilen soru cümlesi geçmiş zaman ile oluşturulmuş bir fiile sahiptir. Bu yapıda, aynı reported speech konusunda anlatıldığı gibi aynı kelime ve zaman değişimleri kullanılır.

Rapor edilen (bildirilen) soru cümleleri, orjinal soru cümlesinin kelime sırasını değiştirir.

Direct: ’What’s the time?’

Reported: She asked what time it was.

Direct: ’How’s your mother?’

Reported: He asked me how my mother was.

Aşağıdaki örnekleri inceleyelim:

1- ’What’s your name?’ he asked. (wanted to know)
He wanted to know what my name was.


2- ’How old are you?’ she said. (asked)
She asked how old I was.


3- ’When does the train leave?’ I asked. (asked)
I asked when the train left.


4- ’How are you?’ he said. (asked)
He asked how I was.


5- ’Who did you see at the meeting?’ my mother said. (wanted to know)
My mother wanted to know who I had been at the meeting.


6- ’Why did you take my wallet?’ he asked. (wanted to know)
He wanted to know why I had taken his wallet.


7- ’How did you get to school?’ she said. (asked)
She asked how I had got to school.


8- ’Where do you live?’ the boy asked. (wanted to know)
The boy wanted to know where I lived.


9- ’Why wasn’t Judy at the party?’ she asked. (asked)
She asked why Judy hadn’t been at the party.


10- ’Why didn’t you telephone?’ my father asked. (wanted to know)
My father wanted to know why I hadn’t telephoned.


11- ’Why are you so late?’ the teacher asked. (demanded to know)
The teacher demanded to know why I was so late.


12- ’Why didn’t the police report the crime?’ the judge asked (inquired)
The judge inquired why the police hadn’t reported the crime.


13- ’Why won’t you let me in?’ he shouted. (demended to know)
He demanded to know why I wouldn’t let him in.


14- ’What time does the plane arrive?’ we asked. (inquired)
We inquired what time the plane arrived.


15- ’Who do you want to talk to?’ she said. (asked)
She asked who I wanted to talk to.

If / Whether Soruları

Wh ile başlamayan soru cümlelerini rapor (bildirme) ederken, if ya da whether kullanılır.

Direct: ’Are you angry?’

Reported: He asked if I was angry.

Direct: Did you see the film?

Reported: She asked whether I had seen the film.

Bu örneklerde görüldüğü gibi, kelime sıralamasının ve zamanların değiştiğini görüyoruz.

Aşağıdaki örnekleri inceleyelim:

1- ’Do you like Marlon Brando?’ she asked.
She asked if/whether I liked Marlon Brando.


2- ’Are you enjoying yourself?’ he asked.
He asked whether I was enjoying myself.


3- ’Does your father work here?’ she asked.
She asked if/whether my father worked there.


4- ’Do you live near your family?’ he asked.
He asked if I lived near my family.


5- ’Are you a foreigner?’ she asked.
She asked if I was a foreigner.


6- ’Have you met Danny before?’ she asked.
He asked if I had met Danny before.


7- ’Are you hungry?’ she asked.
She asked if I was hungry.


8- ’Did you borrow my dictionary?’ she asked.
He asked if I had borrowed his dictionary.


9- ’Have you finished your exams?’ she asked.
She asked if I had finished my exams.


10- ’Did you invite Judy and Pat?’ he asked.
He asked if I had invited Judy and Pat.


11- ’Does your brother live in London?’ she asked.
She asked if my brother lived in London.


12- ’Do you know who broke the window?’ he asked.
He asked if I knew who had broken the window.


13- ’Did they tell you when they were leaving?’ she asked.
She asked if they had told me when they were leaving.


14- ’Did you lend them your camera?’ he asked.
He asked if I had lent them my camera.


15- ’Have you hurt yourself?’ she asked.
She asked if I had hurt myself.


Taglar: İngilizceReportedQuestionsSoruCümlelerininBildirilmesi

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