İngilizce Reported Speech’de Say ve Tell Kullanımı

Eğer bir olayı bir kişiye rapor ediyorsak, tell kullanırız. (me, her, etc)

Ashley told me that you were ill. (not ‘Ashley said me’)

What did you tell the police? (not ‘say the police’)

She told me she was going to be late.

‘It’s too late,’ she told me.

tell, soru cümlesinden önce kullanılmaz:

He told me, ‘Have we met before?’ kullanımı yanlıştır!

Diğer durumlarda say kullanırız. say’den sonra me, her gelmez.

Ashley said that you were ill. (not ‘Ashley told that...’)

What did you said?

‘It’s too late,’ she said.

Say kullanmak istiyorsak; to me, to her, to us şeklinde kullanırız:

‘I don’t like them very much,’ she said to me quietly.

Why did he say that to you?

tell fiilinin kullanıldığı ve ismin hallerini almış zamirlerle (me, you her, us, him) kullanılmadığı bazı durumlar da vardır:

tell the truth

tell a lie

tell lies

tell the time

tell a story

Bunun yanında ‘say something to somebody’ kullanımı da mevcuttur:

Emily said goodbye to me and left.

What did you say to the police?

Tell/ask somebody to do” Kullanımı

Reported Speech ile birlikte fiilleri mastar haliyle kullanabiliriz. Bu daha çok emir ve istekte bulunulduğunda kullanılır.

Direct: ‘Stay in bed for a few days,’ the doctor said to me.

Reported: The doctor told me to stay in bed for a few days.

Direct: ‘Don’t shout,’ I said to Jim.

Reported: I told Jim not to shout.

Direct: ‘Please don’t tell anybody what happened,’ Ann said to me.

Reported: Ann asked me not to tell anybody what (had) happened.

Aşağıda say ve tell kullanılmış örnek cümleleri inceleyelim:

Terry said goodbye to me and left.

Tell us about your holiday. Did you have a nice time?

Don’t just stand there! Say something!

I wonder where Sue is. She said she would be here at 8 o’clock.

Jack told me that he was fed up with his job.

The doctor said that I should rest for at least a week.

Don’t tell anybody what I said It’s a secret just between us.

‘Did she tell you what happened?’ ‘No, she didn’t say anything to me.’

George couldn’t help me. He told me to ask Kate.

George couldn’t help me. He said to ask Kate.

Aşağıda direct speech cümleler verilmiş. Bu cümleleri kullanarak reported speech cümleler kuracağız.

Hurry up!

Please slow down!

Don’t worry, Sue.

Do you think you could give me a hand, Tom?

Can you open your bag, please?

Could you repeat what you said, please?

Don’t wait for me if I’m late.

Will you marry me?

Mind your own business.

1- Bill was taking a long time to get ready, so I told him to hurry up.

2- Sarah was driving too fast, so asked her to slow down.

3- Sue was very pessimistic about the situation. I told her not to worry.

4- I couldn’t move the piano alone, so I asked Tom to give me a hand.

5- The customs officer looked at me suspiciously and asked me to open my bag.

6- I had difficulty understanding him, so I asked asked him to repeat what he (had) said.

7- I didn’t want to delay Ann, so I told her not to wait for me if I was late.

8- John was very much in love with Marry, so he asked her to marry him.

9- He started asking me personal questions, so I told him to mind his own business.


Taglar: İngilizceReportedSpeech’deTellKullanımı

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