İngilizce Reported Requests: Dolaylı İstekler

Dolaylı istekler (birisinden sizin için bir şey yapmasını istemeniz), dolaylı emirler (reported commands) konusunda olduğu gibi aynı gramer yapısına sahiptir.

Direct: "Would you open the door, please?"

Reported: She asked me to open the door.

Direct: "Could you lend me some money, please?"

Reported: He asked me to lend him some money.

Reported request (dolaylı istek) durumunda genellikle ask fiilini kullanırız.

Aşağıdaki örnekleri inceleyelim:

1- "Would you pass my suitcase, please?" he asked.
He asked me to pass his suitcase.


2- "Would you like some coffee?" she asked.
She asked if I would like some coffee.


3- "Would you take the children to school for me?" he asked.
He asked me to take the children to school for him.


4- "Would you sit down, please?" she asked.
She asked me to sit down.


5- "Would you talk more quietly, please?" he asked.
He asked me to talk more quietly.


6- "Would you like a lift into town?" she asked.
She asked if I would like a lift into town.


7- "Would you like to go out at the weekend? He asked.
He asked if I would like to go out at the weekend.


8- "Would you turn on the radio, please?" she asked.
She asked me to turn on the radio.


9- "Would you move your car, please?" he asked.
He asked me to move my car.


10- "Would you like to eat in the hotel or in a restaurant?" she asked.
She asked if I would like to eat in the hotel or in a restaurant.


11- "Would you pass my cup, please?" he asked.
He asked me to pass his cup.


12- "Would you check the oil for me, please?" he asked.
She asked me to check the oil.


13- "Would you turn the car engine off, please?" he asked.
He asked me to turn the car engine off.


14- "Would you like to stay with us?" she asked.
She asked if I would like to stay with them.


15- "Would you check the bill for me, please?" he asked.
He asked me to check the bill for him.


Taglar: İngilizceReportedRequestsDolaylıİstekler

Genel İngilizce Konuları - İlginizi çekebilecek başlıklar
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