Geçmiş Zaman İle Pasif Cümleler Oluşturma (Simple Past Passive)

+ I was woken you were woken he/she/it was woken
? was I woken? were you woken? was he/she/it woken?
- I was not not woken? You were woken he/she/it was not woken

Yukarıdaki tabloda görüldüğü gibi, pasif cümlelerde "be + fiilin 3. hali ya da -ed eki almış hali" kullanılır kuralı geçmiş zaman için de geçerlidir. Aradaki tek fark, be fiili geçmiş zaman hali ile kullanılır, yani was,were

Geçmiş zaman pasif yapısını, bitmiş eylemler için kullanırız:

This table was made by my grandfather.

Was the letter signed?

We weren’t met at the door.

Aşağıdaki örnek cümleleri inceleyelim:

The fire was seen in Renton, a kilometre away.

Most of the matches were won by Indian teams.

These keys were found in the changing room - are they yours?

We couldn’t find the station, but we were helped by a very kind woman.

I was stopped by a policeman in the Green Road this morning.

Yesterday a man was caught trying to burn down the Town Hall.

Pasif cümle oluştururken fiil ya -ed eki alır ya da 3. halde kullanılır.

Aşağıdaki cümlelerde parantez içindeki fiillerin nasıl kullanıldıklarına bakalım:

Our passports were taken by a tall woman in a uniform. (take)

These books were left in the classroom yesterday. (leave)

I don’t think this room cleaned yesterday. (clean)

We were met at the airport by a driver from the university. (meet)

Nobody was told what was happening. (tell)

He was sent away to school when he was twelve. (send)

Aşağıdaki örneklerde geçmiş zaman pasif olumsuz ve soru cümlesi örneklerini inceleyelim:

We weren’t paid when we finish the work. (not pay)’ When were you paid? ’Two months later.’

My father wasn’t educated in England. (not educate) Where was your father educated? ’In Germany’

The letters weren’t posted on Tuesday. (not post) When were the letters posted? ’On Thursday.’

This wasn’t cooked in butter. (not cook) How was this cooked? ’In margarine.’

My suit wasn’t made in England. (not make)

Where is your suit made? In Hong Kong.

Pasif geçmiş zamanı, birisinin doğum gününden bahsederken de kullanırız:

I was born in 1964.

My sister was born in Egypt.


Taglar: GeçmişZamanİlePasifCümlelerOluşturmaSimplePastPassive

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