
Çin Halk Cumhuriyeti Hong Kong Ticaret Ataşeliği

Kurum Adı
Çin Halk Cumhuriyeti Hong Kong Ticaret Ataşeliği

Şükran öğün

+ 852/ 28 93 66 09

+852/ 28 93 66 20


Turkish Consulate General Office of the Commercial Attache Room 1907, 19/F.,Tower One, Lıppo Centre, 89 Queensway, Hong Kong


Taglar: ÇinHalkCumhuriyetiHongKongTicaretAtaşeliği

Ticari Temsilcilikler - İlginizi çekebilecek başlıklar
Çin Halk Cumhuriyeti Pekin Ticaret Müşavirliği

Telefon: 0086-10-64649538 0086-10-64656867, Adres: Turkish Embassy Office of the Commercial Counsellor Office & Apartment Building Kempinski Hotel Beijing Lufthansa Center, 50 Liangmaqiao Road, Chaoyang District, Unit:C 812 A, Beijing 100016, People"s Rep

Çin Halk Cumhuriyeti Shangay Ticaret Ataşeliği

Telefon: 86-21-64378302, Adres: Turkish Consulate General Office of the Commercial Attache No.1055 Zhong Shan Road (W) Zhong Shan Plaza 806 Changning District Shanghai People"s Republic of China 200051

Danimarka Kopenhag Ticaret Müşavirliği

Telefon: + (45) 33 12 29 20, Adres: Turkish Embassy Office of the Commercial Counsellor Borgergade 42, DK 1300 Copenhagen K / DENMARK

A. B. D Boston Ticaret Ataşeliği

Telefon: 001 857 991 1684, Adres: Turkish Consulate General Office of the Commercial Attache 31 Saint James Ave. Suit 840, Boston 02116 / USA

A. B. D Houston Ticaret Ataşeliği

Telefon: 00 1 713 850 73 75, Adres: Turkish Consulate General Office of the Commercial Attaché One Riverway 777 South Post Oak Lane Suite 1375 Houston, TX 77056-U.S.A

A. B. D Los Angeles Ticaret Ataşeliği

Telefon: 00 1 323 852 1894, Adres: Turkish Consulate General Office of the Commercial Attache 6380 Wilshire Blvd. Suite: 1710 Los Angeles CA 90048

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